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To Donate and Support Sky Kids

Sky Kids is a 501c(3) tax-exempt public charity. Donations are deductible under section 170 of the IRS code. You can download our 501c(3) Certification letter.

Your tax deductible donations can be given through:

Download the Sky Kids Sponsorship Flyer for November 2023 Scottsdale, AZ

Snail Mail:

Sky Kids Incorporated
PO Box 313
Johns Island, SC 29455



Use this link to make tax deductable donations with PayPal:


Buy and Sell on eBay for Sky Kids

You can support Sky Kids when you buy or sell on eBay, with the eBay Giving Works program. Here’s how:

Sky Kids is part of the eBay Giving Works program. So, you can support our mission when you buy and sell on eBay. Here’s how:


You can find whatever you're looking for on eBay — from baseball cards to new cars and more. When you do, shop for items that benefit us. You can get a great deal and support [mission area] at the same time!


You also can support Sky Kids when you sell on eBay. Just designate our organization to receive 10-100% of your final sale price the next time you list something great.

Did you know that charity listings often get more bids and higher prices than regular eBay listings? Boost your sales and support our critical work while you’re at it! Plus eBay gives back to you too, with a fee credit on your basic selling fees.